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Te Puna

Kai & Kōrero
Te Puna Ihi Manaaki wishes to connect the community of Hīkoikoi to the whenua through “Kai & Kōrero”. This is an opportunity to use reo Māori while building a sustainable māra kai for the Hīkoikoi community and their whānau. Maintaining and encouraging both the skills of planting and speaking Māori enhance both the hauora and wairua of the community.

Tō! Tō!
Tō te tipu a Nuku
Tō te tipu a Rangi
Tō kia tipu ai
ngā tamariki a Tāne
Tō ki roto
i te poho a Papatūānuku
Haumi e!
Hui e!
Taiki e!

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